What is WhatsApp End-to-end Encryption?

WhatsApp offers an encryption end-to-end, which means when you send a message to a contact in your agenda, only you and the receiver can access this conversation. It also includes images, videos, voice notes, and documents. Not even the developer of WhatsApp could access the content.


Your messages are secured by a lock and only you and the receiver have the special codes/keys to open and read the messages. To add more protection, each message sent has its own lock and unique code. All of this is automatic, there is no need for adjustments or creating secret chats to secure your messages.

One of the most highlighted aspects of this encryption, now used by WhatsApp, is the way the encryption keys are managed. Instead of storage those keys in a centralized server controlled by WhatsApp staff, the encryption end-to-end works by storage of said keys in the device of every user.


When combined with TextSecure, which uses a protocol that creates new keys for every new message, you have messages that cannot be intercepted by anyone. Not even WhatsApp staff could access those chats.

This system is different from other instant messaging systems, and social networks or Internet services, because it does not storage keys in the devices, and centralized servers infrastructures. This can enable companies or government access to that data. It is also a way to allow hackers and cracker to try to breach our privacy.


How can I check if a Chat is Encrypted End-to-end?

  • Open the
  • Press the name of the contact to go to the information screen.
  • Press Encryption to see the QR Code or the 60 digits.


If your contact is physically present, one of you could scan the QR code of the other and compare the security code of 60 visible digits. If you scan the QR code, and the code matches, a green check mark will appear. Since the codes match, you can be sure that nobody is intercepting your messages or calls.


If the codes do not match, it is likely you are scanning the code of a different contact or a different phone number. If your contact reinstalled WhatsApp recently, or changed phone, we recommend you to update the code by sending another message to your contact, and try again.

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