The social network Twitter acknowledged using its users' phone numbers —which were asked for security reasons— with promotional purposes. The company asked its users to provide their phone numbers and e-mail directions to improve their accounts' protection; using the two-steps authentication process. However, this data ended up being used with specific advertising purposes, although Twitter ensures that it was "not intentional".   The security failure offered the advertisers a group of users' phone numbers, but their personal information was not revealed. However, the...

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According to Protecting Corporate Information in the Cloud, a study published by WSJ Studios and Symantec, 8 out of every 10 executives participate in activities that puts their company data in risk. This matches the tendency that Adriana García, Symantec Mexico director’s talked about during her participation in the Cybersecurity and Intelligence Congress, organized by the UDLAP Jenkins School.   According to García, back in 2016, cyber-attacks...

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